Be the Badger!
“At the end of the day, both men and women who become CEOs have showed tenacity and hard work to succeed in their careers. It takes not just skills but also extreme dedication and commitment. And regardless of gender, CEOs are measured by the same criteria – the growth and success of the business.” Susan Wojcicki
So I am working out again. After almost two years of back problems that made it almost impossible to do any sort of regular activity I finally found the right equipment I needed to get back in shape. Trust me, it would have been much easier to stay on the couch and accept that this was as good as it was going to get but that’s not my way. Now, here I am five weeks later and starting to feel more like my normal self.
My workouts tend to be all out which led to some of my earlier problems. I’m not the fastest, nor am I the strongest. I just find when I am focused I am all in. A spinning cycle gave me that edge again. Now that I find myself without the pain I am able to peddle until my heart’s content.
Business is a lot like that. We start something we think is going to be great. Our excitement carries us for a while then the injuries come along. This time the injuries show up as failure, competition, employees, and mistakes. About 50% of companies fail in their first five years for these reasons, but even the successful ones face their own challenges.
“I’m a beast, I am, and a Badger what’s more. We don’t change. We hold on.”
— C. S. Lewis
It seems appropriate I am from the Badger State. Not because badgers are known to be mean (I’m not), but because they are tenacious animals. They. Don’t. Stop. Leaders need to channel the badger’s strength as their spirit animal. When things aren’t working our way we need to refocus, pivot, and go at it again. Much like my challenges with exercise, it would be much easier to stop but that is not how success is created. Our power is to keep moving forward even when outside forces or our own mistakes push us back.
Tenacity is a core trait to any successful leader. They feel the pain and they just keep going. Forward is the only direction. If you are a business owner this may sometimes seem like a losing battle. Every challenge put before you is actually a hidden opportunity. Refocus. Pivot. Move Forward. Tap into your inner badger. Utilize the resources around you. Get help if you need it. Don’t give up but know when to shift. The world is full of quitters which means being the badger will help you succeed.
Refocus. Pivot. Move Forward. Succeed.
Business owners: you NEED to continue creating momentum. Hitting cruise control does not prepare for future growth or changes in your market. Schedule a Business Forward operational analysis if you want to scale your business while avoiding the pitfalls many owners face. Visit or schedule an introductory meeting at