Punching in and checking out
One of the most costly challenges in business today are the staffers who punch in, but fail to show up for work. Almost every business has them. They show up and occupy their space, but they fail to perform to the expectations of the job.
While market changes have helped companies reduce staff, how can you be sure that you have the best employees working for you now?
- Better communication: establish clear communication with your people to make sure they understand the goals fo the company.
- Better accountability: Make people responsible. Give them specific goals that can be measured by the employee as well as the leader. Meet regularly to review and discuss.
- Better documentation: Plan out a clear record of performance for your people. If someone is under-performing, make sure you document it. If someone is performing above expectations, do the same.
- Better follow through: Stick to your word and hold all members of your staff to the same standards.
- Better distribution: Distribute work evenly among the entire workforce. Avoid punishing good workers by heaping more work (and greater expectations) on them.
- Better measurements: Assess your people, develop strengths once you know what they are.
- Better culture: If you want to be world-class, you must think world-class. Become a culture that talent is attracted to and can perform well in.
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