It’s hard to ignore the news when it comes to the apparent lack of ethics both individuals and companies have. Wether it’s the #Metoo movement or the Wells Fargo fake account scandal it can easily appear that everyone is under
We live in a world where we hear ‘no’ a lot. From the day you are born you are literally hard wired to the word. If you are a parent you will understand exactly what I mean. From the moment
As part of our focus on sales, we are also planning on covering topics like customer service and loyalty. After all, customers are a huge part of any business, and a direct factor in how well your sales do.
How many of you spend hours writing the perfect sales letter, only to find it didn’t generate any sales leads?
One of the biggest issues with sales copy is that we forget the most important thing – a call to
One of the biggest issues with sales copy is that we forget the most important thing – a call to
Want to see how to destroy a great reputation that took years to build in just a few short weeks? You might want to talk with Toyota. In their quest to become the world’s largest car company they made a